Hai everyone!! Today #cikgunajah want to write about curriculum. What is curriculum all about? Why we need to know what curriculum really is. #cikgunajah ni not so good in English but I want to write in English in the process to improve my English.
Curriculum is originated from the word 'currere'- the latin infinitive of curriculum, highlights the running (or lived experienced) (Pinar,1974)
Planned curriculum is a planned program or objective contents, instruction or assessments offered by a school. Planned curriculum is a formal curriculum. The enacted curriculum is the connection between teachers and students while the experienced curriculum is the formal learning experienced by students.
Curriculum have 5 definitions:
- Curriculum is the 'permanent' subjects that embody essential knowledge.
- Curriculum is those subjects that are most useful for contemporary living.
- Curriculum is all planned learnings for which the school is responsible.
- Curriculum is the totality of learning experiences so that students can attain general skills and knowledge at a variety of learning sites.
- Curriculum is the questioning of authority and the searching for complex views of human situations.
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